Michelin 2-star|Molino de Urdániz
・Inclusive of: Classic Spanish Breakfast
"Classic Spanish Breakfast" of Michelin One-Star restaurant Molino de Urdániz is open for reservation now! As the main designer of the menu, chef David Yárnoz instructs two chefs in the Taipai branch, Govinda and Adrian, to display the authentic flavor of Spanish cuisine. The breakfast is not made of the apple of sodom but pure ingredients. First, we gently stimulate your appetite with sparkling wine, and then you can enjoy our unique Spanish main course with smoked ham, selected cheese, bread, and handmade jam. You also have a variety of choices in egg cuisines. The whole set is a feast for both eyes and mouth!
- Daily Sparkling Wine
- Hot Drink (choose on-site)
- Fresh Juice
- Seasonal Fruit
- Yogurt and Breakfast Cereal
- Selected Bread with Butter, Honey, and Handmade Jam (including Baguette / Sourdough / Toast / Croissant / Chocolate Croissant)
- Traditional Charcuterie (Smoked Ham / Spanish Jamón (ham) )
- Egg Cuisine (choose on-site)
- Main Course (Choose on-site)
・Available Reservation Time: 7:00, 7:30, 8:00, 8:30
・Dinging time: until 10:30
・Last ordering time: 10:00
Product Description
自開幕以來深獲好評的米其林星級早餐,由西班牙本店主廚 David Yárnoz 的又一全新力作 「歐式經典西班牙早餐」菜單,引領您體驗歐洲西班牙風格飲食文化 -「沒有過度精緻的華 而不實, 只有濃縮了山海精華的簡單純粹。」也是主廚 David Yárnoz 一直追求的。

以歐洲日常早餐-氣泡酒溫柔刺激喚醒您初醒的味蕾,再細細品嚐多樣且豐富的歐式經典 燻製火腿、精選起士、麵包及手工自製果醬等,口感滑順香濃的小農優格,還有新鮮現做各式蛋料理;賦予味覺到視覺的精品級早餐序曲!

早餐的樂章還不只於此,最令人期待的米其林星級主餐,三道餐點任君挑選。使用低溫調理保留魚肉鮮嫩彈牙口感的「季節鮮魚」、精心慢燉 10 小時已達入口即化的「西班牙風味 肉類料理」、以及搭配加泰隆尼亞傳統-紅椒堅果沾醬的「烤季節時蔬佐紅椒堅果醬」。 融合了山海精華的味覺饗宴,交織出慕舍酒店獨有的美食交饗曲。
渥達尼斯磨坊集結了世界頂尖名廚的手藝,搭配上精選新鮮食材的鮮甜,並以最謹慎的態度在料理上精益求精,一份豐富且細膩的當代西班牙原創料理,為您假期的完美早晨佐以一 份來自南歐的熱情色彩。

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About Merchant
The first branch outside Spain of this famous name is helmed by two head chefs who honed their skills at the flagship. Central to the original concept is the 11-course tasting menu which takes diners on a poetic culinary journey across the sea and the mountains, punctuated by subtle Japanese influences and liberal use of fresh herbs. The second dessert course is a sweet surprise that changes daily and rounds off the meal perfectly.
No.61, Sec. 1, Jianguo N. Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City
Public Transportation
( MRT ) Songjiang Nanjing Station / 8 min walk ( MRT ) Nanjing Fuxing Station / 11 min walk ( Bus ) Zhongshan Girls' High School Station / 2 min walk ( Bus ) Nanjing & Jianguo Intersection Sta. / 2 min walk ( Bus ) MRT Songjiang Nanjing Station / 7 min walk
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Business Hours
- 此折抵方案訂位日 3 天 (含) 內不可取消預訂時間及調整。
- 用餐時間至10:30,最後點餐時間為10:00。
- 自備酒水,需收開瓶費烈酒類每瓶 TWD 1500、葡萄酒類每瓶 TWD 1000。
- 用餐請著正式服裝,男士服儀請避免穿著拖鞋、涼鞋、短褲及背心,女士請避免穿著拖鞋、涼鞋等。
- 若有任何忌口、過敏的食材,敬請提前告知,當日恕不更換餐點。
- 本餐廳只能提供奶蛋素,無法提供全素餐點。
Cancellation and Rescheduling Policy