「RELAX」fun 鬆一下 ‧ 暢飲派對 - 圓山戶外音樂會開啟防疫樂活新態度
- 6/20 限定住房專案,點亮台灣希望的那盞燈
・坪數:28 坪。
・住房含 06/20「RELAX」防疫新生活圓山戶外音樂會入場門票 2 張 ( 價值 TWD 1,998 含燒烤 1 串、抽獎資格、酒水暢飲、紀念贈品 )。
・一大床或兩中床 ( 依現場房況安排 )。
・優先享有 2 小時免費延遲退房禮遇 ( 視飯店房況而定 ) 。
・房內特殊設施:個人衛浴清潔用品 / 浴巾 / 毛巾 / 日式浴衣 / 免治馬桶(經典客房除外) / 獨立空調 / 乾濕分離浴室 / 獨立浴缸 / 免費光纖無線寬頻網路 / 迷你冰箱 / 電熱水壺 / 免費咖啡及茶包 / 每日客房內礦泉水 / 客用拖鞋 / 電子磅秤 / LED手電筒 / 舒適浴袍
・特別企劃 - 「許願金龍幣」
這次,FunNow 為用戶準備經過松山霞海城隍廟虎爺加持的 FunNow 金龍幣,邀請用戶到圓山大飯店向金龍祈福,讓各位透過 FunNow 預訂的用戶在圓山飯店有帝王級享受之外,也能擁有天之驕子般的好運!6月20日,趕快到圓山飯店投下 FunNow 金龍幣,讓你好運不碰壁!
About Merchant
Founded in 1952 by Chiang's wife, Soong Mei-ling, the Yuanshan Hotel is the first five-star hotel in Taiwan, with its lofty Yuanshan River in front, Yangming Mountain in the back, Song Mountain in the east, and Danshui in the west.
The fourteen-story palace-style building with red pillars and golden tiles is a magnificent setting for the classical atmosphere of opulence and Oriental art and is one of the representative landmarks of Taipei.
No.1, Sec. 4, Zhongshan N. Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City
Public Transportation
< Freeway (National Highway No. 1)> Get off Songjiang Road and turn right at Minzu East Road, turn right again at Zhongshan North Road, cross Taipei Fine Arts Museum and then get on Zhongshan Bridge, stay in the left lane for a minute and then you will see a ramp next to the mountain wall in front of you, take the ramp directly to Yuanshan Hotel. < Xinsheng Elevated Expressway > Get off the bridge and take the left lane to Beijing Road, turn around in the direction of the city and follow the leftmost lane of the mountain wall, then go straight up to the Yuanshan Hotel. < Zhongshan North Road to the south (from Shilin to Taipei) Go straight south on Zhongshan North Road via Jiantan Youth Activity Center, take the left lane and follow the leftmost lane of the mountain wall and then go straight to Yuanshan Hotel. < Free shuttle bus > Free shuttle bus from MRT Yuanshan Station (Flower Expo Park) MRT Yuanshan Station - Yuanshan Hotel, Bus stop: In front of Exit 1, in the middle of Yumen Street (same as the bus stop) Departure time 06:40 10:40 14:10 17:30 20:30 07:10 11:10 14:40 17:50 20:50 07:40 11:30 15:10 18:10 21:10 08:10 11:50 15:30 18:30 21:30 08:30 12:10 15:50 18:50 21:50 08:50 12:30 16:10 19:10 22:10 09:10 12:50 16:30 19:30 22:25 09:40 13:10 16:50 19:50 22:45 10:10 13:40 17:10 20:10 23:05
Business Hours
- 依據觀光旅館業管理規則,辦理入住時須提供身分證件登記。
- 此為特別活動不可變更或取消之專案。
- 入住人數為 2 人,加人或延長時間須以現場公告為準。
- 「入場門票」含 : 入場手環乙只 / BBQ燒烤串1串 / 參加抽獎活動乙次 / 指定酒水暢飲 / 專屬紀念品乙個。
- 指定點燈房,18:00~21:00活動期間持專屬兌換券至花園廣場祈福樹打卡區報到,現場立即拍攝加贈專屬住房貴賓「拍立得紀念卡」乙張 ( 每房限兌換乙次;數量有限,兌完為止 ) 。
Cancellation and Rescheduling Policy