JBG Hot Spring Resort
Classic Double Room with Hot Spring
・雅緻湯房房型 ( 部分為市景房型,依現場狀況為準 )。
・住房含 2 份早餐 ( 疫情期間提供早餐餐盒,造成不便敬請見諒 )。
・1 張雙人大床。
・FunNow 會員免費提供 2 人半自助式下午茶點 ( 供應時間為14:00 - 20:00;結束時間為 21:00,另除夕期間未提供 )。
About Merchant
便捷交通:距捷運新北投站 5 分鐘步行時間,開車來也方便,還有人協助泊車。比鄰新北投公園、北投文物館、北投溫泉博物館、凱達格蘭文化館及地熱谷。
主題風格:經營了近 70 個年頭的老牌溫泉旅館,室內空間全新翻修,採歐風新古典風格,每種房型都有精心設計的溫泉泡湯浴室,泡湯不必再與陌生人面對面。
No.230, Guangming Rd., Beitou Dist., Taipei City
Public Transportation
捷運新北投站,步行 5 分鐘 公車北投綠色圖書館站,步行 1 分鐘 公車溫泉奇岩路口站,步行 2 分鐘 公車泉都溫泉飯店站,步行 2 分鐘
Nearby Attractions
Business Hours
- According to tourism regulations, ID cards should be provided for registration upon check-in, and other programs should be carried out in accordance with the on-site rules.
- For special dates, the room rate is based on the on-site price.
- There can be only 1 additional pax in each room. A TWD 800 fee will be charged on site for each additional bed (the price might differ on special holidays). Please refer to the announcements on-site for the extension of time.
- This package is not suitable for those having heart diseases, hypertension, or skin diseases.
- Minimum number of guests: 2 pax.
Cancellation and Rescheduling Policy