魔力美學 西門店 Magic Beauty|美甲美睫美髮
此方案提供小紅書熱門"月光貓眼",供有多色可選 (可跳一色)
・本方案內容:消毒 + 修甲型 + 指面甘皮機器修磨 + 甲面拋光 + 底層凝膠 + 凝膠上色 + 造型設計 + 凝膠封層 + 指緣精華護理,服務時間約為 90 分鐘。
*過年期間 (1/18~2/2) ,依店家公告需酌收 TWD $200,請現場支付給店家。若有調整依現場公告為準。年節期間繁忙,請避免穿著高領及帽T款式之服飾,預約開始施作及完成時間需以現場為主。
Price List
From TWD 799
From TWD 999
About Merchant
Store concept:
Hairdressing, eyelashes, manicure, hair removal, massage, make-up ... you don't need to call and book them one by one anymore! Magic Beauty is here to solve your problem, as offers everything you need in one place!
Service items:
It is the first fully integrated aesthetics in Taiwan-- it provides perfect services all in one place. Each type of beauty with a professional staff who is ready to provide sincere suggestions, and use superb techniques to cast beautiful magic for you!
Interior decoration:
It is fashionable, bright and elegant. You can find a sunny afternoon to visit Magic Beauty with close friends and become beautiful from head to toe together!
漢中街149號2樓 ( 西門1號出口左轉85度C巷內 ), Wanhua Dist., Taipei City
Public Transportation
( MRT ) Ximen Station / 3 min walk ( Bus ) MRT Ximen Station / 2 min walk ( Bus ) Changsha St. Station / 3 min walk ( Bus ) Taipei Military Police Squad Station / 6 min walk
Nearby Attractions
Business Hours
- 本店採用台灣各大廠牌及經過 SGS 認證請客戶安心使用。
- 本專案恕無法指定服務人員。
- 應店家要求手足患有具傳染疾病之病患 ( 如富貴手、香港腳、灰指甲、手/足疣、黴菌、綠膿桿菌、各菌種感染之皮膚等 ),因器具只能一次性使用,店家將現場酌收 $500 元。
- 不提供飲食。
Cancellation and Rescheduling Policy