Belle's in Taipei
Event Name: 2025 New Year’s Eve Party|Limited Early Bird Single Standing Ticket.
Ticket Includes: Admission ticket and two cocktails (any choice from the house menu).
Performance Lineup: Drag Queen Show, Male Revue, and Mixed Dance Performances.
Performance Time: December 31, 12:00 AM - January 1, 2:30 AM.
Entry Time: December 31, doors open at 10:00 PM. Please pick up your ticket at the designated ticket counter in advance.
Ticket Redemption: After booking on FunNow, tickets can be picked up at Belle's in Taipei on the 7th floor starting from December 20, 2024, during business hours. The last time to redeem physical tickets is before December 30, 2024, at 11:59 PM.
Refund Policy: As this is a special event, refund requests must be submitted by December 20, 11:59 PM (10% cancellation fee applies). No refunds will be issued after this date.
About Merchant
全台灣最獨家最 HIGH 最瘋狂的 Show Bar !!!
7F, No. 12, Songshou Road, Xinyi District, Taipei City
Public Transportation
捷運市府站 3 號出口,步行 10 分鐘 公車 101 國際購物中心站,步行 2 分鐘 公車松壽路口站,步行 2 分鐘 公車市政府(松壽)站,步行 3 分鐘
Nearby Attractions
Business Hours
- 請務必在活動前一天 ( 12/30 ) 以前完成取票,以免當日現場核銷作業造成入場隊伍阻塞,影響大家儘速入場享受活動之權益。
- 票卷遺失概不補發,請妥善保管。
- 本活動為特殊節慶票卷,逾時領取將不受理取票,亦無法退款。
- 此為節慶特殊商品,若需退訂請於 12/20 23:59 前提出 ( 退訂需扣 10% 訂金 ),逾時恕不退費。
- 特殊活動請以注意事項公告之事宜為主,不適用於客戶須知內的退訂規則。
Cancellation and Rescheduling Policy