【Program Details】
Product: ONE RULE Single Entry Ticket.
Package Includes: 1 entry wristband + 2 drink vouchers (Choose any 2 drinks from the event's designated options: specified cocktails / non-alcoholic drinks).
Ticket Information: This package is for a single standing spot. If you wish to enter with more people, please purchase the corresponding number of tickets.
Important Reminder: On the event day, you must go through the ATT 4 FUN queue and security check. Please arrive early to ensure timely entry and protect your rights.
Ticket Redemption: From 12/24 (Tue) to 12/26 (Thu) and 12/29 (Sun) to 12/30 (Mon) during business hours, and 12/27 (Fri) to 12/28 (Sat) between 8:00 PM to 10:00 PM, please visit ONE RULE, show your FunNow order code, and exchange it for your ticket at ATT 4 FUN 10F ONE RULE. Consumers who fail to collect their wristbands before 9:00 PM on December 31 must queue at the first floor to collect them after 9:00 PM on the same day.Lost tickets cannot be replaced, so please keep them safe. Early ticket pickup helps ensure quick entry on the night of the event without delays from on-site verification.
【Event Information】
Entry Time: 12/31 (Tue) 9:00 PM - 1/1 (Wed) 3:00 AM (+1)
Event Time: 12/31 (Tue) 9:00 PM - 1/1 (Wed) 4:00 AM (+1)
Event Venue: ONE RULE
Address: 10F, No. 12, Songshou Road, Xinyi District, Taipei City
💰 Pre-sale Early Bird Ticket | 2025 New Year’s Eve Party | Limited 30 Tickets ( Sold Out )
TWD $1000
💰 General Ticket | 2025 New Year’s Eve Party
TWD $1200
💰 2025 New Year’s Eve AFTER PARTY Entry Ticket
TWD $400
【Important Reminders】
This is a special holiday product. Refund requests must be made by 12/20 23:59 (with a 10% cancellation fee). No refunds will be issued after the deadline.
Special events are subject to the terms and conditions posted for the event, which may differ from the regular cancellation policies.
Dress Code:
For men: No sleeveless shirts, tank tops, or slippers.
For women: No slippers.
On the day of the event, only New Year's limited snacks and specialty cocktails will be available.
Product Description
菜單必點:美國肋眼蓋牛排 7oz 、蟹肉墨魚義大利麵、解酒湯
是店內最佳人氣的選擇!( 實際餐點依現場為主 )
【推薦菜色ㄧ:美國肋眼蓋牛排 7oz 】




🍽 晚餐時段

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About Merchant
ONE RULE is a stylishly designed bistro bar. With LED lighting effects creating a unique nightlife atmosphere, it offers a variety of craft dishes. Accompanied by relaxing and enjoyable music, it’s the perfect spot for those seeking a lightly buzzed evening.
10F., No. 12, Songshou Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City 110, Taiwan (R.O.C.), 台北市信義區
Public Transportation
捷運象山站,步行 9 分鐘 捷運台北101/世貿站,步行 10 分鐘 捷運市政府站,步行 13 分鐘 公車101國際購物中心站,步行 1 分鐘 公車市政府(松智)站,步行 5 分鐘
Nearby Attractions
Business Hours
- 本活動不受天候影響,照常舉行。
- 請依人數購買足量入場票,未滿 18 歲者不得入場。
- 當日全區不得攜帶外食飲品及寵物入場。
- 當日不提供寄存物品服務,請妥善保管自身財物。
- 此活動供應酒精性飲品,未滿 18 歲者請勿飲酒。
- 最晚請於 22:30 前抵達辦理入場事宜,以免因現場擁擠及排隊等候,錯失煙火施放時閒因活動當日現場人入眾多,如有孕婦、年長者請特別留意自身安全。
- 當日入場請攜帶有效的身分證明文件,如身分證、駕照、健保卡、護照等。
- ONE RULE 保有隨時修改、終止與解釋本活動之權利。
- 如有任何變更內容或注意事項將公布於官方臉書專頁及活動頁面。
- 此為節慶特殊商品,若需退訂請於 12/20 23:59 前提出 ( 退訂需扣 10% 訂金 ),逾時恕不退費。
Cancellation and Rescheduling Policy