Sing!Go ( Xinyi )
⚡️ 平日限定 Happy Hour 活動
⚡️ 周日至周四 16:00 - 20:00 進場
・現場折抵 3000 元餐點
・歡唱 2hr 特大包廂費用含服務費
・特大包廂建議人數 12 - 15 人
・續場第一小時可享 5 折優惠 799 元起(包廂價格以現場時段為主)
About Merchant
Sing!Go聚唱派對信義店,座落於台北最具時髦指標性的信義商圈 ATT 4 FUN 百貨公司,有著各大精華商圈包圍的極優地理性環境,更能呼應Sing!Go品牌出發點的奠定。
Sing!Go聚唱派對集結時尚、娛樂、美食、音樂,以定位新型態高級 KTV 訂製派對,專人專業服務性質,打造全台第一高級 KTV 包廂式會所,所有包廂皆有不同風格。我們以高檔性指標綜合了多量高豐富度娛樂項目,並且特聘星級廚師製作各類多樣式精緻酒水美食,讓消費者除了在感官上氛圍體驗更能享受味蕾上的感動.體驗整體奢華的消費尊榮感。顛覆傳統 KTV,快速融入時尚,娛樂,美食,音樂。帶來最狂,最潮,最時尚的 KTV 新玩法!
9F., No.12, Songshou Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City
Public Transportation
捷運象山站,步行 8 分鐘 捷運台北101/世貿站,步行 8 分鐘 捷運市政府站,步行 10 分鐘 公車松壽路口站,步行 2 分鐘 公車101國際購物中心站,步行 2 分鐘 公車市政府 ( 松壽 ) 站,步行 3 分鐘
Nearby Attractions
Business Hours
- The KTV will reserve your time for 15mins, if you are too late, the KTV has the right to cancel your reservation and put you on the standby list.
- The customers cannot ask for specific types of booths, but they can type their preferred booths in the special request box. The staff cannot guarantee all requests but will try their best.
- The discount on FunNow and the discount on the KTV cannot be applied at the same time.
- All given meals or alcohols cannot be exchanged with other products.
- To follow the police rules and provide a safe & comfortable environment, guests are required to show their ID cards or other effective cards to enter the KTV. Thanks for your cooperation. (Cards include ID card, NHI card (not expired), passport, driver's license; photoed cards are ineffective.)
Cancellation and Rescheduling Policy