
自搭帳 A15 - 木棧板 ( 330 公分 X 330 公分 )


・車位:需另行加購,可停在營區內停車格 TWD 150 / 24 小時,或停城市車旅(依現場收費規定)
・與其他營位之間的平均距離:約 6 公尺
・與最近洗手台的距離:約 1 公尺
・與離炊事亭最短距離:約 98 公尺
・與盥洗室最短距離:約 67 公尺
・與管理中心最短距離:約 50 公尺
・與電源插座距離:約 6 公尺
・營位可達性 - 與最近車道最短距離:約 50 公尺
・推車是否能直接抵達:否 ( 會經過階梯 )
・環境特色:位於樹蔭下陽光不會直射,有碎石步道供散步,鄰近洗手台及溪頭收費停車場 ( 會有些許聲音影響 )。

1. 營區屬山區營地,營區內步道小徑多,炊事台、廁所周邊路面濕滑請小心行走,雖營區有設置地燈,為確保夜間在營區走動安全請自備手電筒。
2. 入營時間為下午 2 點至隔日中午 12 點整,非續住者請於隔日中午 12 點前拔營,以供下位入營者使用,逾時視同續位並收取三倍費用。
3. 本營區熱水供應時間至 24:00,請於 24:00 點前盥洗完畢。
4. 本營區考量森林安全僅限制於車泊 B 區內得以焚火,其餘區域皆不得焚火。
6. 為防止狂犬病等流行病,園區禁止攜帶寵物 ( 導盲犬除外 )。
7. 營區內禁止使用高耗電量的產品。如:吹風機、電磁爐、電暖爐、電鍋、電熱水瓶…以防跳電及電路毀損。如因基本電量購買不足,導致帳位停電麻煩至管理中心重新購置所需之電量。

About Merchant

  • The park is located in the 1000-meter high Pailan tribe, surrounded by beautiful cedar forests. On clear days, you can overlook the Pailan River Valley, and sometimes you can sit and watch the rolling clouds like waves, and enjoy the beautiful scenery of the mountains. Throughout the year, the park offers diverse views, with cherry blossom season in February to March, firefly season in May, hydrangea season from May to July, and beetle season from July to August. Occasionally, you can also find bamboo beetles, flying squirrels, and Taiwan's smallest owl - the Collared Scops Owl, making it an ecologically rich and picturesque paradise. The park also offers a luxury camping experience with Atayal-style cuisine, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the culture of the Atayal tribe.




No. 298-3, Bailan, Taoshan Village, Wufeng Township, Hsinchu County.

Public Transportation

[ Navigation ] WooRao [ Self-driving ] For visitors driving from the north: Take National Highway 1 and exit at Hsinchu (95A), then turn onto Provincial Highway 68 and continue on Zhongfeng Road (Provincial Highway 3) until you reach County Road 122. Follow County Road 122 for 50.4 kilometers until you see a fork in the road. Keep right and continue driving for about 3 kilometers to arrive. For visitors driving from the south: Take National Highway 3 and exit at Zhulin (90), then head towards Qionglin and turn onto Provincial Highway 68. Continue on Zhongfeng Road (Provincial Highway 3) until you reach County Road 122. Follow County Road 122 for 50.4 kilometers until you see a fork in the road. Keep right and continue driving for about 3 kilometers to arrive.

Nearby Attractions

Business Hours


  • 1. 營區屬山區營地,營區內步道小徑多,炊事台、廁所周邊路面濕滑請小心行走,雖營區有設置地燈,為確保夜間在營區走動安全請自備手電筒。
  • 2. 入營時間為下午 2 點至隔日中午 12 點整,非續住者請於隔日中午 12 點前拔營,以供下位入營者使用,逾時視同續位並收取三倍費用。
  • 3. 本營區熱水供應時間至 24:00,請於 24:00 點前盥洗完畢。
  • 4. 本營區考量森林安全僅限制於車泊 B 區內得以焚火,其餘區域皆不得焚火。
  • 5. 營區內設有一般垃圾、資源回收、廚餘回收桶,請落實垃圾分類,務必確實依指示做一般垃圾與資源回收的分類;廚餘及熱湯熱水請倒入專用廚餘桶,嚴禁倒入他處,垃圾集中區於每日早上 09:00 - 早上 11:30 時開放,請勿任意丟棄。
  • 6. 為防止狂犬病等流行病,園區禁止攜帶寵物 ( 導盲犬除外 )。
  • 7. 營區內禁止使用高耗電量的產品。如:吹風機、電磁爐、電暖爐、電鍋、電熱水瓶…以防跳電及電路毀損。如因基本電量購買不足,導致帳位停電麻煩至管理中心重新購置所需之電量。


Cancellation and Rescheduling Policy