Goldmine 928 Massage
・本方案內容:腳底按摩 60 min+肩頸指壓 30 min+溫熱養生茶,本專案恕無法指定服務人員 / 男女師。
Product Description
金礦 928 頂級足體舒壓位於台中七期市政路與朝富路口附近,結合藝術美學空間,現代感的建築帶給您最舒適豪華的享受。


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About Merchant
Professional masseurs:
The masseurs' skill is self-evident, and the service are particularly attentive -- you will feel like the most honorable guest!!
Recommended experience:
Chinese meridian acupressure is the main technique for the full body massage. Pushing, pressing, kneading and other manual techniques will make the deep muscles that are not commonly used move with the massage, and thus completely relax the stiff muscles. The intensity of the massage can also be adjusted by telling the masseurs at any time. You will not be feeling the sharp pain of ordinary Chinese massage.
Special facilities:
Being first massage center in Taiwan that combines the space with art and aesthetics , it not only provides many artworks for you to cultivate the body and mind, but also independent electric sofa chairs and exclusive audio-visual equipment for you to enjoy!
No.567, Shizheng Rd., Xitun Dist., Taichung City
Public Transportation
公車 市政黎明路口站,步行 1 分鐘 公車 黎明市政路口站,步行 3 分鐘 公車 河南市政路口站,步行 3 分鐘
Nearby Attractions
Business Hours
- 本專案恕無法指定服務人員 / 男女師。
- 請確實選擇人數,店家會依照人數安排相對應的位子。
Cancellation and Rescheduling Policy