33 Garden
・本方案內容:真空吸引去除堵塞攜出老廢角質粉刺打開肌膚呼吸通道 + 導入保濕精華從底層為肌膚注入養分 + 噴霧舒緩瀑布式Spa (結合玫瑰純露精華水超細緻噴霧, 放鬆肌膚、舒緩水潤) + 水氧注入肌膚深層補水 + 歐美高階明星保養品多重維他命面膜加持最佳肌膚狀態 + 頭肩頸複方精油按摩 + 課後享用巴里島風放鬆空間及自助吧。服務時間約 60 分鐘。
・水飛梭是非侵入非雷射的保養療程,藉由獨特專利螺旋接頭,真空負壓吸引深層清潔, 無痛去除粉刺與老廢角質, 搭配精華液導入, 供給肌膚養分! 本課程搭配歐美明星高階保養品及頭肩頸放鬆複方精油按摩,兼具深層清潔與瞬間改善膚質的效果!
About Merchant
About Relax 33:
A beautiful massage feast is not just about the pressing, but also the combination of vision, smell, hearing, and taste. Only when the five senses are right can the body and mind be fully relaxed!
Recommended experience:
It provides a classic Chinese Meridian massage combined with the acupuncture points, and focuses on alleviating physical fatigue. In addition, there are also organic aromatherapies for deep muscle relaxation and foot pressure relief.
Splendid decoration:
The greenery of Bali and the simplicity of Scandinavian style are cleverly used in the store. It is like walking into a resort and makes you feel healed and pampered when stepping into the door.
11F., No.2, Sec.2, Zhongshan N. Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City
Public Transportation
捷運中山站,步行 5 分鐘 公車捷運中山站(志仁高中),步行 3 分鐘
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Business Hours
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- 為避免權益受損,請您務必準時抵達店家,若遲到則業者無法延後原訂使用時間,將影響服務時間及服務品質,敬請知悉。
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