La Reine
・本方案內容:清潔洗卸 + 蒸氣面膜調理 + 植萃角質軟化 + 深層髒污導出及粉刺清潔 + 極潤保濕面膜護理 + 洋甘菊修護霜鎖水,服務時間約 90 分鐘。
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加贈頭皮梳理 10 分鐘
About Merchant
Professional techniques:
As one of the best nail salons in Greater Taipei, it has fulfilled many girls' dream of beauty. The "Fast-drying fashion gel" is the store's exclusive technology. The Swarovski diamond jewelry plus fast fashion Japanese gel nails, together with professional consultation and proficiency of the manicurist, you will walk out of the store with beautiful nails!
Top materials:
It uses Israeli fragrance brand SABON's care products, thus guarantees the quality!
Word of mouth:
Many celebrities have recommended this place - such as Lei Ai Mei, Melody, Wang Qing, Huahua, blogger Vina, Angelina, etc.
5F., No.215, Sec.1, Fuxing S. Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City
Public Transportation
捷運忠孝復興站,步行 3 分鐘 捷運忠孝敦化站,步行 12 分鐘 公車懷生國中站,步行 1 分鐘 公車捷運忠孝復興站,步行 2 分鐘 公車仁愛大安路口站,步行 6 分鐘
Nearby Attractions
Business Hours
- 本專案恕無法指定服務人員。
- 應店家要求,手足患有具傳染疾病之病患 ( 如富貴手、香港腳、灰指甲、手 / 足疣、黴菌、綠膿桿菌、各菌種感染之皮膚等 ),店家保留婉拒預約的權利。
- 若您原本就有做指甲或是睫毛,購買美甲、美睫服務時,請加購卸甲服務或先行卸除,否則店家有權於現場加收卸甲費用。
Cancellation and Rescheduling Policy