Shuei Wu Motel
・雲舞套房房型,實際入住以現場房況為主;3 小時。
.FunNow 獨家優惠加時:此房型加價 199 元,即可加贈 1 小時,請於選時間後加價購。
・坪數:30 ~ 35 坪。
・1 張雙人大床。
・房內特殊設備:植栽造景 / 環繞水池造景、70 / 80 吋 SHARP 液晶電視、藍光 VOD 影片隨選系統、高品質無線藍芽喇叭、冰箱 Mini 吧檯、免費提供礦泉水、餅乾、單人造型浴缸或多功能雙人泡湯池、頂級皇室烤箱或雲霧紓壓蒸氣室、浴室專屬電視 ( 32 / 42吋 )、WiFi 無線上網、獨立可調控空調系統、反針孔偷拍偵測系統。
FunNow Exclusive Gift
Privilege for PRO / ELITE Members
加贈 30 分鐘
Price List
Cloud Dance Suite 3h
From TWD 1450
Cloud Dance Suite 4h
From TWD 1649
About Merchant
Convenient transportation: 2 minutes drive from the municipal interchange of the 74th ring road, located in the unit 2 zoning area next to Taichung 7, next to Qiuhonggu Park and Fengjia Night Market, so you can enjoy nature and food at the same time!
Thoughtful services: Free Wi-Fi, 24-hour reception desk, parking lot, room service, etc.
Theme Style: There are 8 room types in the hotel, each room is exquisite and luxurious, with spacious space and relaxing bathroom facilities, and some rooms have a swimming pool! The overall atmosphere is like a secret place, with a lot of logs and a sense of stability.
No.200, Sec.5, Longfu Rd., Xitun Dist., Taichung City
Public Transportation
( Bus ) Kindergarten Sta. / 21 min walk ( Bus ) Kancheng 1 Sta. / 18 min walk
Nearby Attractions
Business Hours
- 依據觀光旅館業管理規則,辦理入住時須提供身分證件登記,休息商品依現場規定辦理。
- 入住人數為 2 人,第 3 人起每位需現場支付TWD 600 元,每房總人數上限最多加至 4 位。
- 禁止更換入住人,訪客時間最遲20分鐘內須離房。
- 本店符合政府防疫規範,請安心體驗服務,若有調整依現場公告。
- 顧客入店需配合店家現場公告之防疫規範,若有調整依現場公告。
Cancellation and Rescheduling Policy