Jumbo Tours
本商品為 A 路線的巴士行程。3 至 5 歲欲參加的幼童請於此頁面購賣。有關行程詳細內容如下:
ー8:10 - 8:45 從那霸市區出發
ー名護鳳梨公園參觀、搭乘鳳梨遊園車:50 分鐘
ー古宇利島:30 分鐘
ーWARUMI 大橋( 不下車,從車窗欣賞 )
ー沖繩美麗的水族館:3 小時( 附入場券 )
海豚秀 13:00 / 14:30
ー御菓子御殿:30 分鐘
ー萬座毛:30 分鐘
ー18:25 - 19:00 抵達那霸市區
ー贈久米島海洋深層水 1 瓶
ー縣民廣場( 沖繩縣廳前 ):8:10 / 19:00
ーLoisir Spa Tower Hotel( 東館前 ):8:20 / 18:50
ーHotel Royal Orion: 8:35 / 18:35
ーDFS旗下沖繩T廣場( 洋服の青山對面 ):8:45 / 18:25
About Merchant
With the admission ticket of Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium included and tours to popular tourist attractions in central and northern Okinawa, such as Manzamo and Kouri Island, the OKINAWA HipHopBUS Tour is definitely your best deal to get a thorough understanding of Okinawa in one day!
Besides riding on a new and luxurious bus, this tour also offers free WiFi and audio guidance service in 8 different languages. Each guest will be given a bottle of “Kume Island Deep Sea Water” as an extra gift.
As for the Okinawa Bar Hopping Tour, our guests are able to experience the authentic Okinawan hard drinks and delicacies, and visit two izakayas and restaurants in the three-hour-tour. The fee includes 2 drinks and 3000 yen for meals, and meals can be rearranged according to your preference. Please inform the tour guide before the trip starts if you wish to make any adjustments on meals.
Guests will be accompanied by a local tour guide who speaks English, Japanese, and Chinese in order to convey the charm of Okinawan ingredients, cuisines, and alcohol thoroughly as well. If you desire to experience the local culture of Okinawa without language barriers, then be sure to join our tour as soon as possible!
For the newly released tours, we now offer special discounts! Just sign in and travel in Okinawa with us!
Kumoji, 2 - 15 - 10, 久茂地 BK ビル, Okinawa, Naha,
Public Transportation
Map Code:33 157 721*36 5 minutes walk from Miebashi Station of the Okinawa Urban Monorail Line.
Nearby Attractions
Business Hours
- 此商品預約後不可取消。
- 2 歲以下兒童免費參加( 無巴士座位 )。
- 可於下一頁選購其他符合該當年齡的商品。
- 您可以從該網頁( https://www.jumbotours.co.jp/okinawa-hip-hop-bus/japan/busmap.html )查詢巴士現在所在地。
- 【關於語音導覽】
- 各停留觀光點均有自動語音導覽,請多加利用。
- 可於機器自行設定您適合的語言。
- 共有 8 個語言供您選擇,包含日文/英文/中文/廣東話/韓文/俄文/泰語/西文。
- 【其他】
- 因不可抗力之因素( 壞天氣或其他 )導致無法參觀上述景點將不會退差額給消費者。
- 因塞車等情況可能導致行程延後結束,敬請見諒。
- 若您返國班機和行程當日同天,請考量是否有充足時間再決定報名行程與否。
- 巴士上不會有導遊,導遊將會在各個景點入口等您。
- 因天災( 如颱風等 )造成行程無法順利進行,將會視情況取消該行程。
- 鄰座可能會有人,無法一人一排座位,敬請見諒。
- 幼童 ( 3 ~ 5 歳)僅提供座位,無提供兒童安全座椅之服務。
Cancellation and Rescheduling Policy