Style Hair
・Includes: professional advice, hair coloring (single process / root touch-up / highlight) with Keune / Eva / Milbon / Q8 products, post-color hair treatment, color-blocking shampoo, hair styling. 2 hours in total.
・FunNow members will be given services of pre-color hair treatment and retouch.
・European products will be in use.
・Around Chinese New Year holidays (Jan. 29 - Feb. 06), an extra fee of TWD 100 - 500 will be charged on site according to the announcements.
FunNow Exclusive Gift
Privilege for PRO / ELITE Members
贈鉑金護髮組 1 盒
About Merchant
Style Hair 位於國父紀念館站,店內使用各大廠品牌髮品服務,讓您針對髮況使用適合產品,資深設計師經歷豐富為顧客打造專屬髮型,歡迎前來體驗造型美髮。
頂級用料:選用日本 RENATA 髮品,高效滲透、補充頭髮油脂水分,潤澤修護受損的髮絲、使用歐系原裝進口髮品服務。
口碑好評:FunNow 用戶推薦愛店之一、技術一流、價格合理。
絕佳位置:於捷運國父紀念館站,步行約 5 分鐘。
No.18, Ln. 97, Yanji St., Da’an Dist., Taipei City
Public Transportation
捷運國父紀念館站,步行 5 分鐘 捷運忠孝敦化站,步行 8 分鐘 捷運台北小巨蛋站,步行 15 分鐘 公車阿波羅大廈站,步行 4 分鐘
Nearby Attractions
Business Hours
- The service time may vary with the length, volume, and color of the hair.
- The finished look might vary with different hair conditions.
- Please notice that the service staff will be assigned randomly.
- Please enter from LISSER TAIPEI.
- Food or drinks will not be provided during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Cancellation and Rescheduling Policy