Bokee Cafe
・本方案內容:平日現場消費總金額 TWD 300 折抵,限內用。
・店家推薦菜色:黯然銷魂飯 / 羅宋湯 / 奶油餐包 / 羅宋湯豬排通心粉 / 無敵蜜汁叉燒餐包 / 豬扒餐肉三眼飯 / 忌廉搆奶 / 百香什錦水果冰 / 茶走 ( 熱 ) 。
・店內低消為一人 TWD 100,均消為 TWD 150。
・平日 12:00 ~ 18:00 購買可享 TWD 285 折抵 TWD 300 優惠 。
・平日 18:30 ~ 21:00 購買則為原價 TWD 300 折抵,另贈港式檸檬茶 1 杯。
About Merchant
About Bo Kee Bing Sutt:
As the sister restaurant of Taipei's 16-year-old "Bo Kee Tea Restaurant", "Bo Kee Bing Sutt" is the predecessor of "Tea Restaurant". It perfectly reproduce the Bing Sutt in Hong Kong movies back in the 70s, and shows Hong Kong's vibes to the extreme.
Signature dishes:
Pork buns, rolls, rice noodles, sandwiches, macaroni, instant noodles, coffee with tea, egg waffles, etc., none of these should be missed out! When the cold butter meets the hot pineapple bun, the rich milk fragrance will be melted in your mouth in your mouth ... You must not miss "ice and fire buttered pineapple bun"!!
Interior design:
We are not lying - but you don't need to buy flight tickets in order to go to Hong Kong! Because entering this place is like visiting Hong Kong! The unique atmosphere of the era is super flavorful, you will traveling through time and space!
No.123, Yanji St., Da’an Dist., Taipei City
Public Transportation
捷運忠孝敦化站,步行 6 分鐘 捷運國父紀念館站,步行 6 分鐘 捷運台北小巨蛋站,步行 15 分鐘 公車阿波羅大廈站,步行 3 分鐘
Nearby Attractions
Business Hours
- 因應疫情期間,如需內用或是外帶依餐廳現場公告為主,造成不便敬請見諒。
- 此方案可折抵現場消費總金額 TWD 300。
- 最後點餐時間 20:30。
- 此方案可抵 2 人低消,請依實際人數購買,不足之份數則依現場店內低消每人 TWD 100 消費。
- 現場不收 10% 服務費。
- 如抵達餐廳時遇現場客滿情形;請稍候,將會優先安排座位。
- 限內用。
- 本店符合政府防疫規範,請安心體驗服務,若有調整依現場公告。
- 顧客入店需配合店家現場公告之防疫規範,若有調整依現場公告。
Cancellation and Rescheduling Policy