Bokee Restaurant
・本方案內容:現場消費總金額 TWD 300 折抵
・店家推薦菜色:鴛鴦凍奶茶 / 絲襪凍奶茶 / 港式凍檸茶 / 青鹹檸汁 / 干炒牛河 / 廣州炒飯 / X.O海鮮炒公仔麵 / 叉燒臘味雙蛋飯 / 麻辣雲吞牛肉公仔。
・店內低消為一人 TWD 100,均消為 TWD 150。
FunNow Exclusive Gift
FunNow Member Benefit
Ceylon iced tea (unsweetened), dine-in only
Product Description
想要一秒飛到香港的你來波記茶餐廳就對了!出自人稱 “Bokey” 的「私廚教父」葉宗澄之手,一進店裡就能感受到濃濃的復古港風,差點以為置身於 90 年代香港電影場景。

【 無敵冰火菠蘿油 】
比起印象中夾奶油的冰火菠蘿油,波記 2.0 大升級成豪華無敵的版本,多了午餐肉、蛋跟起司,疊起來想是一個漢堡,波蘿油酥口香氣十足,內餡風味豐富鹹甜交錯,十分驚艷!

【 咖喱街邊雜碎 】
✔ 正宗港味
✔ 豐富配料
魚蛋、蘿蔔、鴨血、豬皮,Q 彈入味!
【 千層海鮮卷 】

菜單 menu|菜單亮點搶先看:
🍲 招牌煲仔菜:鹹魚雞粒豆腐煲、沙嗲牛肉粉絲煲,一鍋滿足暖心又暖胃!
🍜 特色粉麵飯:干炒牛河、鹹魚雞粒炒飯,鑊氣十足,地道港味撲鼻而來!
🍞 港式小食必點:經典冰火菠蘿油、波記腐皮捲,每口都是懷舊回憶的驚喜。
🍧 港式甜品:法蘭西多士、燉奶、芒果布丁,甜蜜的好心情從這裡開始!

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About Merchant
Recommended experience:
It hires professional masseurs with an average experience of more than 5 years. Their skilled Chinese massage techniques enable consumers to obtain relaxation, health care, and multiple enjoyment of rest. This is the most indispensable stress-relieving experience for modern people.
Interior decoration:
The store is elegant and bright. The space inside the store is wide, stylish and simple, making people feel calm inside. Taking advantage of you free time, you shall come here to relax and recharge your life!
Close to public transportation:
It is located in the lively and convenient East District district, and only about a 4-minute walk from MRT Zhongxiao Fuxing Station. After shopping, you can come here to relieve your physical and mental fatigue.
No.8, Ln. 70, Yanji St., Da’an Dist., Taipei City
Public Transportation
捷運忠孝敦化站,步行 5 分鐘 捷運國父紀念館站,步行 7 分鐘 捷運忠孝復興站,步行 14 分鐘 公車阿波羅大廈站,步行 2 分鐘
Nearby Attractions
Business Hours
- 因應疫情期間,如需內用或是外帶依餐廳現場公告為主,造成不便敬請見諒。
- 此方案可折抵現場消費總金額 TWD 300。
- 最後點餐時間 20:30。
- 此方案可抵 2 人低消,請依實際人數購買,不足之份數則依現場店內低消每人 TWD 100 消費。
- 現場不收 10% 服務費。
- 限內用。
Cancellation and Rescheduling Policy