Wulai Karuizawa Hot Spring Resort
Double Bathhouse 1.5h|Hot Spring
・ Double bathhouse with hot spring; 1.5 hours.
・ Includes: hot spring pool.
・ Does not include: bed.
・ No pets are allowed.
・ No smoking.
About Merchant
貼心服務:免費 Wi-Fi、停車場等。
主題風格:房間擺設簡單舒適,客房內也能享受溫泉,如果嫌不過癮公設還有裸湯和戶外 SPA 溫泉池泡好泡滿,週末想來趟泡湯輕旅行的話,這裡是個不錯的選擇。
No.6, Wulai St., Wulai Dist., New Taipei City
Public Transportation
公車 烏來總站,步行 4 分鐘 公車 觀光大橋站,步行 9 分鐘
Nearby Attractions
Business Hours
- According to tourism regulations, ID cards should be provided for registration upon check-in, and other programs should be carried out in accordance with the on-site rules.
- The number of occupants is 2 pax. Please refer to the announcements on-site for additional pax or extension of time.
- This package is not suitable for those who have heart diseases, hypertension, or skin diseases.
- Minimum number of guests: 2 pax.
Cancellation and Rescheduling Policy