
Crab Area Tent | Camping Reservation | Two meals per night|2024/10/01-2025/06/30


・螃蟹區帳篷方案,螃蟹裝置藝術、鄰近餐廳、遊客服務中心及廁所衛浴。可住 2 ~ 4 人,人數請於下一步選擇。
・位於戶外空間的 5 米帳篷,提供戶外桌椅。
・帳篷內有:雙人床*2、沙發、桌燈、風扇、浴巾、液體電蚊香、耳塞、分離式冷暖氣機、桌上型小鏡子 雨傘2把。

※公共盥洗室區域提供:寶寶澡盆、小椅凳、棉花棒、救急衛生綿、小冰箱、尿布台、奶瓶消毒鍋、 Tescom 吹風機、保溫壺。


・晚餐時間:18:00-19:30 濕地主題餐點(最晚入場18:20)
・付費生態導覽:20:00-21:00 ( 如遇雨,改室內生態課程,依報名人數多寡可視情況加開第二梯次。 )
・早餐時間:08:00-09:30 中西混搭餐點 ( 最晚入場 08:30 )

台中高美濕地因生態環境特性,10-2 月的早上 10:00 至 下午 17:00 容易受到 東北季風 影響,故10-2月期間入住,帳篷外層沒有彩帳、前庭帳。如現場風速、雨量達到一定標準(包含颱風),園區會啟動休園防災機制。屆時可能會臨時發生,入住幾天前,請客人取消或延期訂房。如陣風大於8級,則不會搭建天幕休息區。如對【風】較為敏感的旅客,請自行斟酌哦。如有不便,敬請見諒。

About Merchant

  • Slowly Sunset Glamping is a lazy camping site in Qingshui, Taichung, located in the beautiful Gao Mei Wetland, which is known for its stunning sunsets. It offers a one-night stay with two meals based on the wetland theme, and a complimentary afternoon tea snack. The park has bohemian-style top-grade lotus tents, and guests can also purchase ecological guided tours to experience wetland ecology while enjoying the sunset.

  • Activities: Ecological guided tours are available for purchase.

  • Meals: Dinner, breakfast, and welcome snack time complimentary.

  • Facilities: Air conditioning and heating, fans, table lamps, and a 24-hour hot water supply in the washroom.




No.8, Meiti Street, , Qingshui District, Taichung City.

Public Transportation

[Navigation] Slowly Sunset Glamping [Bus] From Qingshui Train Station: Take bus 111 (weekdays) or 688 (weekends) and get off at ""Gaomei Wetland Visitor Center"". Take bus 178 or 179 (weekdays and weekends) and get off at ""Gaomei Wetland Visitor Center"". From Taichung Train Station: Take bus 309 and get off at ""Bus No.18"". Sunset Glamping is approximately 700 meters away. [Taxi] Mr. Hong Junming: 0983-180-669, LINE ID: girpps. Please call 30 minutes in advance. From Qingshui Train Station: One-way fare is about NTD$300, and takes about 15 minutes. From Taichung High-Speed Rail Station: One-way fare is about NTD$900, and takes about 40 minutes.

Nearby Attractions

Business Hours


  • 本園區採取預約制,若臨時來訪可能無帳篷可供入住。
  • 住宿期間請遵守園區內規定,相關規定請參考 [ 客戶須知 ] 內容。


Cancellation and Rescheduling Policy