P&C Boutique Cafe

4.9 (365)


Datong Dist., Taipei City2F., No.28-4, Chifeng St.

Business Hours

About Merchant
  • About P&C Boutique Café:

  • The building is a compound space combining leather workshop and cafe located on Chifeng Street. The ground floor is a display space for metalworking and leather goods, the basement is a studio, and the second floor is P & C Boutique Café. After drinking coffee, you can also join the leather making workshop here.

  • Signature Cuisine:

  • As a coffee shop, coffee is a must-have item. However, P & C Boutique Café has even more exciting and flavoured lattes such as sweet peach cognac brandy latte and French champagne strawberry latte. In addition to coffee, the desserts here are also very creative, remember to request from the staff for the special dessert of the day.