Shan Ben Spa

4.9 (931)


Banqiao Dist., New Taipei City1F., No.17, Hansheng E. Rd.

Business Hours

About Merchant
  • Professional masseurs:

  • The masseurs have rich experience, and can use strength flexibly to precisely relieve each tired and long-term tangled muscle. Several masseurs even have massage certificates - the professional skills are guaranteed!

  • Top materials:

  • The "Crystal Mud", invented exclusively by the owner, can maintain the temperature of hot water perfectly! The mud can increase the body temperature during the footbath, relieve the cold hands and foot, relax the tight muscles of the feet, exfoliate, and most importantly, improve the quality of sleep!

  • Splendid decoration:

  • With the theme of landscape painting, it creates an elegant and comfortable space and atmosphere. Each massage chair is with its own small TV, which makes the experience very comfortable.