Michelin 1-star|A CUT STEAKHOUSE

4.9 (196)


Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City2F., No.177, Liaoning St., Zhongshan Dist.

Business Hours

About Merchant
  • About A CUT: The letter ‘A’ in the name represents the finest quality steaks, style, and service at A CUT STEAKHOUSE, located at Ambassador Hotel Taipei. Whether you are celebrating a birthday, sealing a business deal, or on a romantic date, A CUT’s contemporary design, open kitchen, and attentive service would make everyone feel at home.

  • Signature Cuisine: A CUT STEAKHOUSE sources A-grade cuts of meat from the United States and Australia and is the exclusive Taiwan outlet for Harris Ranch in California. In contrast to local beef restaurants, A CUT STEAKHOUSE serves meat which benefits from the latest dry-aging technology to produce pure, succulent flavours.

  • Spotless Atmosphere: Savour the world’s choicest cuts of beef paired with inspiring vintages at this award-winning steakhouse. There are also five private dining rooms including a 20-person private dining suite with a separate lounge for pre-dinner drinks or an after-party.